Once you know about the properties of the moldavite crystal, there is a debate surrounding wetting your crystals, and how safe it is to wear your crystals constantly and have them get wet when you swim or go in the shower.
Moldavite is one of those crystals that is actually encouraged to get wet. This is because it is not a porous crystal, so there’s no need to worry about it soaking in the water and getting damaged.
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Can I Use Water To Cleanse Moldavite?
Water is actually a fantastic tool to properly cleanse and imprint your energy and good spirits into your moldavite crystal. Putting your moldavite into the water, or running it underwater, is one of the methods to properly activate and cleanse your moldavite. A lot of people also prefer to wear their crystals on them at all times, and therefore shower in them. If your crystal is embedded in waterproof jewellery like sterling silver or gold, then it will be perfectly fine to wear your crystal at all times.
Saltwater can be erosive to crystals, as your moldavite crystal is a form of salt. However, this is also not something to worry about extensively, but maybe avoid soaking the crystal in saltwater for too long. If you swim in the ocean with your moldavite, it should be perfectly fine, the only thing to worry about is keeping it on you and not letting it fall off and into the ocean.
What Happens When Moldavites Go In The Water?
Nothing physical will happen to your moldavite when put into water, so you don’t need to worry about the integrity of your precious crystal if this does happen. However, water has powerful cleansing properties and is often one of the steps used to thoroughly cleanse your crystal.
The moldavite crystal is considered an extremely high vibration crystal, so it’s known to be one of the better crystals to use as jewellery. When you swim or shower with moldavite, you won’t need to worry about washing away its energy, as the energy you’ve imprinted on the moldavite is likely to stay and not be removed easily, especially if you’ve been wearing it.
Wearing your moldavite is one of the best ways to imprint it heavily with your positive energy, so don’t let the aspect of swimming or getting it wet deter you. If you choose to wear your moldavite constantly, remember to notice if your sleep has changed at all, because moldavite is known to be slightly disruptive during sleep. This depends on the person though, so not everyone will have the exact same experience with their moldavite.
Is Water Bad For Moldavite?
It is absolutely okay to get your moldavite crystal wet, and water will actually do it some good. Almost all crystals will benefit from being put in water and this is an essential part of the cleansing of the crystal. If you don’t cleanse your crystal in water before charging your crystals, you may be overriding it with energy from previous holders of the crystal, and you won’t be able to use the crystal to its full potential.
Why Water Is So Important For Crystal Healing
Water is an integral part of the crystal healing process and journey. Water will hold a lot of power during your crystal and spiritual practice, thanks to its cleaning energy. Water is not only important in the crystal spiritual practice but is an essential part of many religions. Think how Catholics may baptize a child or how in Islam they will wash their hands before prayer. Water is a symbol of rebirth, cleanliness and respect, and this is the same in spiritual crystal practices.
The water element is a big part of how the crystal was formed. If you look carefully at your moldavite crystal (or any crystal), you notice etching and grooves. These were made by water erosion, from when the crystal was in its natural element. Centuries of water exposure like rain and waves are the reason crystals look the way that they do, and every line and etching shows a piece of the crystal’s lifespan and history. The beauty of your crystal is that it was formed over centuries, and because of this, it holds power strong enough to influence our lives.
Crystals aren’t only affected by water, but water can be affected by crystals. If you are using water for your spiritual practice, whether to drink or cleanse, crystals are popular to charge the water itself. However, it is not safe to drink the water a crystal has been soaking in. If you’d like to ingest the water charged by your crystal, it’s best to just have the crystal nearby, and not actually soaking in the water.
Although your crystal may be a powerful object used for your spiritual practice, at the end of the day it is still a rock. Rocks are dirty and will hold onto dirt no matter how clean it may be. This is why it’s not safe to have a crystal in direct contact with your drinking water.
There are products you can purchase to help safely charge your water with your crystal, but remember that this practice is a personal preference, and is not an essential part of crystal healing. It is completely up to you if you want to charge your drinking water if you feel it makes a difference, but not doing it won’t affect the rest of your practice.
What To Do If You Get Your Crystal Wet
As previously mentioned, it is completely safe to get your crystal wet, and your crystal will be unaffected if it comes into contact with water. If you want to make sure your crystal is completely dry after cleansing it with water, the best way to do this is by letting it dry in the sun.
The sun will not only dry your crystal effectively, but the sunshine also has its only cleansing properties. You’ll notice that all the cleansing methods used for crystal healing are similar to recreating a nature-like environment so that the crystal doesn’t lose its power.
Crystal healing should not be intimidating or complicated. If you are worried about the crystals negatively impacting your life because you may have done something wrong, this is completely defeating the purpose of crystals. Come into crystal healing with a forgiving and relaxed approach, and the crystals will give back to you.
Plus, it’s really hard to do something wrong with your crystals. As long as you don’t drop them or damage them with brute force, there’s really very little that can damage your crystal. They are a product of the elements and can withstand pretty much anything.
![Chermaine Chen](https://thegemlibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Gems-Chermaine.jpeg)
Chermaine’s journey into the world of gemstones and crystals began as a child, collecting shimmering stones on family vacations. Today, she’s a certified gemologist and spiritual healer, intertwining the physical beauty of jewels with their metaphysical properties.
Chermaine has traveled to mines in Africa, marketplaces in India, and spiritual retreats in Bali, always seeking to deepen her understanding.