The subtle pull that many feel for rhodochrosite is undeniable. Its soft rose-pinks and vibrant red stones emit an aura of compassion, self-love, and healing.
Rhodochrosite is a popular heart-stone choice and ideal for those needing to address troubles from the past. Imbued with a childlike energy, this pink gemstone, which can mitigate emotional trauma and improve mood, should have a place in everyone’s home.
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What Is Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite forms from manganese carbonate (part of the Calcite group). These gemstones are usually found in the mineral group of carbonates and nitrates in large aggregates. Though they are also discovered in stalactitic, botryoidal, granular and nodular states.
The Mohs hardness rates them as 3.5 up to 4.5, which makes them a great stone to be carved into various forms. Rhodochrosite forms in hydrothermal veins of silver, copper, and lead mines. It also forms within secondary deposits of manganese oxide layers. This allows the stones to take on various hues.
The most prized color is a stunning rose-pink. But the gemstones can often include secondary colors like oranges, whites, browns, and yellows. The banded versions look like pearly light pink layers of tree rings and are mesmerizing to behold.
Rhodochrosite crystals are often mistaken for Rhodonite at first glance. However, you can differentiate them by ensuring there are no black veins of manganese oxide within. Instead, the Rhodochrosite crystal should have varying shades of soft, pure white rings. They are commonly found in the Sweet Home Mine near Alma, in Colorado.
What Is The Meaning Of Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite’s name is of Greek origin and translates to rose color (“rhodos” being rose and “khros” being color). It is also known by names such as Manganese Spar, Raspberry Spar, and even Inca Rose (Rosinca and Rosa del Inca). It acquired this name as the Inca believe that the stones are the petrified blood of beloved ancient rulers.
While most dark hued gemstones fetch the higher prices this is not so with rhodochrosite. The striking shades of pinks with banded hues are rare. This has led to the market ensuring that medium intensity pinks with striking color bands are the more expensive option.
Rhodochrosite is a gemstone of the heart, and as such romance, love, emotional healing, and good energy fall under its sway.
What Are The Healing Properties Of Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite crystals direct your gaze inward. They help you to find love and forgiveness, along with healing for past wounds, trauma, and suppressed memories.
To release any unacknowledged pain that you’ve held onto unconsciously for far too long, and to deal with any trauma from past lives or destructive patterns that you have carried over into this life. It breaks down any barriers erected in the heart. This allows you to once more love with the unconditional and compassionate joy of a child. You’ll become the true self you always were meant to be.
Rhodochrosite is a paragon pink stone of selfless and unconditional love. This has led to its nickname of the ‘stone of the compassionate heart’. Imbued with healing properties, rhodochrosite crystals work best at alleviating troubles of the heart, easing down walls which have built up over time. As you heal, it will empower you not only to practice empathy for the self, but also to act for others in need too.
What Are Rhodochrosite Crystals Used For?
Rhodochrosite is a stone which vibrates to the tones of love and energy, like most pink gemstones do. Used most often to take the pain out of insect bites and to heal scarring, it also works on your heart, energy field and circulatory system. It aids in digestive issues such as ulcers, assists with autoimmune diseases, and improves the flow of blood to vital organs like the kidneys. It sends energy into your body and enhances your overall sense of well-being and provides emotional stability.
When used in meditation sessions, or if the rhodochrosite crystal is worn, or carried close to the heart, it can help to dispel lingering bad energies and sour moods. Leaving the wearer more cheerful, active, and carefree in their day-to-day dealings with others.
Beyond that, it can allow you to enter a state of dreamlike creativity, along with enhancing passion, sexuality and boost the sense of personal power and expressiveness. It empowers the self to be bolder, braver, and more at ease within your inner self which will allow you to act more confidently around others.
Rhodochrosite crystals are a great option to bring new love into your life – both platonic friendships and new love interests. It calls life helpers and soul mates in to help teach soul lessons from a place of love and comfort. It will soothe and settle your heart of any troubles you’re going through, as well as lead you to a place of emotional happiness. Especially if you’ve been going through a period of self-doubt. One of its lesser-known properties is that it can call back past friends or lost relatives to your side.
A rhodochrosite crystal make for a great gift for friends and family at important times of the year like Christmas, Valentine’s Day. Or at any point when someone could use a pick-me-up. The gemstone is ideal for anyone who works in childcare. It encourages a sense of childlike joy and happiness and will help emotionally support those who wear it to become more well-rounded, mature adults.
What Chakra Is Rhodochrosite Good For?
Pink rhodochrosite is good for the heart chakra to ground users and support their overall emotional and empathetic wellbeing. It can call love into your life along with helping you to stay in a place of love. This lets you calmly deal with past hurts without judging or criticizing yourself for mistakes you’ve made, or mistakes others have blamed you for.
It allows you to open your heart again to others, without judgment or expectations. Plus, it will be there to help soften the blow of any future heartaches that may come your way.
Due to its ability to regulate energy, rhodochrosite also works on the Solar Plexus Chakra which is where unresolved problems dwell.
Where to Buy Rhodochrosite Online?
There are plenty of places to buy this gem online. From specialty online shops to online giants like Amazon.
Our recommendation is to browse Amazon first to get a sense of prices, variety, and quality. Then do a detailed comparison online. Another specialty retailer is TinyRituals, which only sells gemstones of grade AA or higher.
Why Is Rhodochrosite So Expensive?
A rhodochrosite crystal which is fully formed is a very rare find and this is what has led to their very high price tag. They are most prized when they are raw, uncut gems as opposed to beautifully polished, but smaller pieces.
Rhodochrosite is the national gemstone of Argentina which is the location of some of the most beautiful specimens. Head to the Sweet Home Mine, where you can see the beautifully hued finds the mine has produced.

Chermaine’s journey into the world of gemstones and crystals began as a child, collecting shimmering stones on family vacations. Today, she’s a certified gemologist and spiritual healer, intertwining the physical beauty of jewels with their metaphysical properties.
Chermaine has traveled to mines in Africa, marketplaces in India, and spiritual retreats in Bali, always seeking to deepen her understanding.