Moldavite is known for its intense energy. While moldavite has powerful healing properties, it can also cause strong reactions, known as the “Moldavite Flush,” and bring up deep emotions. Below, we discuss moldavite’s potential dangers and provide advice for first-time users or those not ready for its strong impact. To learn more about how to handle moldavite safely, read below.
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Is Moldavite Dangerous?
There is no short answer to this question. The moldavite crystal has some strong healing properties for the heart, mind and soul. The power of such a crystal should never be underestimated, leading many to think that using moldavite is dangerous.
There are a plethora of stories from people who have used moldavite, all saying that they’ve had intensely negative experiences. These range from terrible nightmares to the ending of long-term relationships. However, once an analysis of the situation is done, most people realise that the crystal was giving them the power to work through some bad or negative emotions and lead them to the path they needed to be on.
It’s never easy to take an honest look at yourself and your life, but the rewards can be immense. If you aren’t ready for the journey, you need to heed the moldavite warning and stay away until you are ready.
Reasons Why Moldavite Might Be Dangerous
Now that we’ve explored the question of whether or not moldavite dangers exist, let’s look at when you should stay away or ways that the crystal could be dangerous for you:
Your Mental Wellbeing And Spirit Might Not Be Ready For Moldavite
Moldavite can cause intense reactions, such as bringing repressed emotions and memories to the surface quickly or even opening your third eye. Your body, mind and spirit may not be ready for such an intense experience. It’s certainly something that you need to work your way up to and ensure that you’re wholly prepared for what might come out.
It Can Impact You Negatively By Bringing Out Dark Emotions
People often talk about having a negative experience when they use moldavite. When accessing repressed emotions and memories, you are very likely to have a negative experience because your mind has repressed those thoughts for a reason. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t access them, you just may not be in the right space for doing so. It will also be a negative experience until you’ve worked through those emotions and memories. You may find that you are in a bad mood or dealing with some very dark thoughts after your sessions with moldavite.
The Stone Can Drain Your Energy If Used For Too Long
Moldavite uses a lot of energy to dive deep into your being, meaning it can be quite draining to have with you all of the time or use it for long sessions of meditation or self-reflection. Many people feel exhausted after using the stone or keeping it with them. It’s far safer to use it for short sessions and build up to longer sessions with the crystal.
Is Moldavite Toxic?
Moldavite is not toxic or poisonous to people or animals. Many people worry about this because the crystal is so powerful, and because of its extra-terrestrial origins. The green-blue tinge to the stone can often lead people to worry about the impact it could have on the body. Add this to the strong energy that can come out of the stone, and you can easily see how people could worry about toxicity.
In reality, moldavite is completely safe to hold or to wear as jewellery. The only physical danger you face is cutting your skin on the sharp edges of a raw or unpolished stone because the crystals can be very sharp, like glass.
How To Avoid The Dangers Of Moldavite While Using It
They say that being forewarned is forearmed. The best way to stay in control and not have a negative experience with moldavite is to ensure you do the following:
Be Prepared For The Moldavite Flush
A lot of first-time users experience what experts call the Moldavite Flush. This is a physical reaction to holding or touching the crystal for the first few times. It feels like a warm flush or wave of energy that courses through your body, usually starting from the point of contact with the crystal. This can be accompanied by a tingling sensation throughout your body. Another symptom you might experience is that of light-headedness.
All of this is related to the cleansing that moldavite can achieve in the body and spirit. This is why the flush is so intense the first time you use the stone and should lessen as you use it more often. There will be less cleansing that needs doing over time.
Calm Your Mind And Emotions Before Using It
The power of moldavite is such that it can reach repressed emotions even on the first use. This can be incredibly overwhelming and dangerous if you aren’t prepared for the impact. It’s important to be aware of this and ensure that you are in a good headspace and are feeling emotionally stable before a session with moldavite. It can be incredibly harmful to dive into these emotions if you aren’t ready for them.
Don’t Keep It Close All The Time
If you have moldavite jewellery, it’s best to only wear it for short bursts at a time. A common option is for a necklace that sits over the heart chakra as this is the one it works best for. However, this can drain your energy and bring deep emotions to the surface if worn for too long.
It’s also best to not keep a crystal near your bed or your workspace. These are two places where you don’t want deep emotions to continuously surface as they’ll impact your sleep or your concentration for work. The crystals are best brought out for meditations and self-reflection periods rather than kept on display.

Chermaine’s journey into the world of gemstones and crystals began as a child, collecting shimmering stones on family vacations. Today, she’s a certified gemologist and spiritual healer, intertwining the physical beauty of jewels with their metaphysical properties.
Chermaine has traveled to mines in Africa, marketplaces in India, and spiritual retreats in Bali, always seeking to deepen her understanding.