Our complete guide to Celestite, a mystical blue mineral known to enhance communication and spiritual growth. From origins to uses and more.
What is Selenite? Meaning, Uses & Benefits of this Healing Crystal
Selenite is known for its clear, purifying energy and connection to the divine. Read more to find out about its origins and healing properties.
Shungite: Meanings, Properties, Facts and More
Shungite crystal is a rare and lustrous stone with origins in ancient Russia. Discover exactly how to utilise this powerful gem to bring clarity into your life.
Rhodochrosite Gemstone Guide: The Pink Gemstone for Self-love & Healing
Rhodochrosite is a gemstone to heal the heart. Discover the numerous ways that vibrant rhodochrosite crystals can benefit you and your loved ones.
Black Obsidian: Meanings, Properties, Facts, And More
Are you looking to add some feng shui into your space or need something to bring you back down to earth, black obsidian is the stone for you.
Snowflake Obsidian: Meanings, Properties, Facts and More
Our complete guide to Snowflake Obsidian – including meanings, healing properties, uses, chakras and more. Read now.
Amber Stone: Meanings, Properties, Facts and More
Are earth tone gemstones your favourite? Learn all about amber stone, what it means, it’s worth, where it comes from and how it’s used around the world.